As you are probably aware, the current advice from the government is that churches don’t meet due to the coronavirus outbreak.
In the light of this, we are reluctantly and regretfully suspending all services and mid week groups with immediate effect.
This presents us with a challenge of how we can be and do church differently without meeting. How can we still be the body of Christ, building each other up?
As leaders we are exploring options such as emailing out readings/prayers/short reflections etc as well as making videos/live streams of worship and talks/sermons.
Please bear with us as we prayerfully seek God’s guidance on the way forward here. Things are changing rapidly and we will keep you posted with any further updates.
Please continue to show love and support for each other, especially the vulnerable amongst us. Let’s phone each other for no other reason than to chat and have fellowship together. Let’s offer to help each other with shopping etc. Let’s send each other words of encouragement/scripture/prayer. Let’s still hold each other close, even if not physically. Let us seek God as we continue to love God and love each other.
And may the peace of God which passes all understanding guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.
With love and prayers from the leaders at East Leake Baptist Church.