Refurbishment Update

The refurbishment work to the chapel is now expected to be complete by the end of August, which is great news. The upgrades to the lighting have had to be delayed until later in the year because we have missed the window of opportunity in the bat roosting calendar to work in the roof space.

In the last couple of weeks the floor has been completed and the wainscot panelling installed, along with a new piece of balustrade on the right hand side of the pulpit. The three rows of pews that we are required to reinstall under the balcony have gone back in (although we are informed that they are in a very poor condition).

There is some minor external repair work that is being carried out, as well as repairs to cracked window panes and rotten frames.

Here are some pictures of recent progress:

New wood has been interleaved with old to make up the shortfall (damaged panels and gaps from the fitted pew backs).
A new piece of balustrade on the pulpit.