A slightly eventful week. We held “Little Fishes”, our group for parents, babies, and toddlers, as usual on Wednesday, and on Thursday morning the heating engineer was on-site to drain down the system, ready for removal of the large bore heating pipes in the chapel.
No sooner had the last of the water drained than the builders were attacking the old large bore heating pipes in the chapel with a battery of power tools, and within an hour or so the pipes were in a large pile in the centre of the room. (Sadly I wasn’t there to witness this.)
We knew the pipes were in a bad way and had been warned even a couple of years ago that the system may well not see us through the winter. But there was one particular joint, under a grating beside the pulpit, that all but crumbled into rusty dust as the pipes were disturbed. We were certainly on borrowed time. It is amazing how these things happen to God’s timing. “In him, all things hold together” – and not least our heating system!
On Friday, the heating engineer ran into a few difficulties when trying to get the remainder of the system refilled, so we rounded up some electric fan heaters and a portable butane gas heater for Sunday morning.
As it turned out, our temporary heating was more than adequate. And on Monday the heating engineer succeeded in isolating the chapel and getting the rest of the system up and running again.
Anyway, some more pictures from the past week: